OpenBeken IoT devices teardowns database

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Want to get cloud-free? Pair with HA? Flash OpenBeken - now supporting BK7231N, BK7231T, T34, BL2028N, XR809, W600/W601, W800/W801, BL602, LF686 and LN882H!

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Need help? Ask here! Direct contact with developers, daily feedback and bugfixes!
Please watch our English flashing/configuration tutorials:

We have also Polish translations for RGBCW bulb flashing & soldering tutorial , CB2S Relay flashing, WB3S wall switch flashing.
You can support us to make more videos/firmware features/teardowns here
Modern Windows GUI tool for BK7231T, BK7231N, BK7231M and BK7238 flashing (and for automatic template extraction in most cases): BK7231 GUI Flash Tool
!New 2025! Single place for all platform flashing tools (excludes BK7231 GUI Tool - see link above) FlashTools
Click on device name to get a detailed teardown article, often with pins configuration and setup.
Some devices were submitted by contributors and not by me, and might not have complete info.
Also keep in mind that we have some Zigbee or TODO devices on list, just for the sake of completeness.
NOTE: BL0937, BL0942 and CSE7766 (HLW8032) are chips used for energy metering.
NOTE: SM2135, BP1658 and BP5758 are "I2C" RGBCW LED drivers.
NOTE: Type filter "RGBCW" to find RGBCW devices, try also "4CH", "relay", try shop names, like "Action", "Blitzwolf", "Aubess", etc...
NOTE: If config template is missing, check linked topic, it may not been just entered in Database
NOTE: Following list is fetched from Cloudcutter repository. The configs are extracted from 2MB device dumps.
NOTE: The configs here may be incomplete.

Table is loading.
Id Image Device Name Chipset (Module) Keywords Config Date